
Please note:  We do not provide emergency service.

If you are in crisis please go to the closest Emergency Department or call 911, or call COAST Hamilton Crisis Line 24 hours at 905-972-8338.

If you are concerned about a child in need of protection please call The Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton at 905-522-1121 or the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton at 905-522-2012.

Kids Help Phone  Toll free: 1-888-668-6868 (up to age 21).

If you are seeking publicly funded children’s mental health programs please call Contact Hamilton at 905-570-8888.

There are several workshops, groups and resources available free of charge to families living in the Hamilton area. Information available at –

Information about Emotion Focused Skills Training (EFST) can be found at –
On-line courses on Emotion Focused Skills for Parents and Schools available at –

Parents for Children’s Mental Health is a non-profit, provincial, parent-run organization that provides a voice for children and their families who face the challenges of mental health problems in Ontario. They work with families, the general public, mental health professionals and agencies, and government to provide education, support and advocacy.